不懂就问!“精致穷”英文能翻译成“pretty but poor”吗?

您所在的位置:网站首页 不精致的 英文 不懂就问!“精致穷”英文能翻译成“pretty but poor”吗?

不懂就问!“精致穷”英文能翻译成“pretty but poor”吗?

2024-07-05 14:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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《新世纪汉英大词典》就“精致”一词给出了四种译法:fine; exquisite; delicate和consummate。我们在COCA(美国当代英语语料库)分别检索它们与life的搭配,探索“精致生活”的表达。

根据分析检索结果可知:“fine life”范围更广泛,强调生活整体顺风顺水,如:

a fine life beyond any dreams he'd ever had 比他梦想中的都好的美好生活

而“delicate life”更多强调生命的脆弱,如:

discovering just how delicate and fragile life is 发现生命是多么脆弱而微妙

“consummate life”则强调完美的生活,如:

having led a consummate life, earning respect from all sides 过着完美人生,赢得各方尊重

分析COCA与NOW(News on the web)语料库中检索得到的“exquisite”与“life”各23条和162条搭配结果,发现“exquisite”更接近中文“精致”生活的涵义,如:

a full, wonderful, exquisite life 一个充实、美好、精致的生活

enjoy the exquisite and leisurely life 享受精致而悠闲的生活


The exquisite life of the Shanghai people is proven once again: running to buy coffee when the quarantine was lifted; lining up with red wine glasses for Covid-19 tests. 上海人精致的生活再次得到证明:隔离解除时匆匆跑去买咖啡;端着红酒杯排队新冠病毒检测。

例句中“the exquisite life”的adj. + noun的结构给了我们启示,因此“精致穷”既可有“exquisite poverty”的形容词+名词译法,也可有“an exquisite and poor life”或“an exquisite but poor life”的形容词+形容词译法。

加上相应动词后,分别为“live in exquisite poverty”或“lead (live) an exquisite and/but poor life/lifestyle”, 如:

Not all post-90s are "exquisite and poor"; over 80% of post-90s have savings. 90后并非都是 “精致穷”,超八成90后有小金库。

除了中英文对等译法, “精致穷”还有更地道的表达:“live in genteel poverty”。表示实际贫穷却假装上层社会,维持外表的体面,如:

Charlie grabbed his $1,900 French leather jacket and then couldn't remember where he had left his wallet... he hadn't wanted anybody around these last few weeks as he sank into the mire of genteel poverty. 查理抓起他价值1900美元的法国皮衣,但忘记把钱包放到哪里了......在过去几周里,他不想让任何人接近,因为他深陷贫穷,还得假装体面。

除此之外,和“精致穷”意义相近的英文表达还有“credit junkie”,指的是靠透支信用卡提前消费的人。


如果你花钱如流水 (spend money like water),月月光 (live paycheck to paycheck),甚至靠借钱度日 (live on borrowed money),过着入不敷出 (can’t make both ends meet)的生活,以致最后贫困潦倒 (lead a dog’s life) 。

这样的“精致”只能让你赢了面子,输了里子 (penny wise, pound foolish)。

本文转载编辑自:外研社 Unipus



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